
February 2006
Part Number 190-00493-30 Rev. A
Printed in Taiwan
Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without the express permission of Garmin. · Garmin® est une marque déposée de Garmin Ltd. ou de
ses fi liales qui ne peuvent être utilisées sans l'accord exprès de Garmin. · Garmin® è un marchio registrato di Garmin Ltd. o società affi liate e non può essere utilizzato senza consenso scritto
di Garmin. · Garmin® ist eine eingetragene Marke von Garmin Ltd. oder deren Tochtergesellschaften und darf nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung von Garmin verwendet werden. · Garmin®
es una marca comercial registrada de Garmin Ltd. o de sus subsidiarias y no se podrá utilizar sin autorización expresa de Garmin. · Garmin® é uma marca registada de Garmin Ltd. ou das suas
subsidiárias, não podendo ser utilizada sem a autorização expressa da Garmin. · Garmin® is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van Garmin Ltd. of haar dochtermaatschappijen en mag niet worden
gebruikt zonder uitdrukkelijke toestemming van Garmin.
Read this manual carefully before starting to operate
the Kenwood Car Navigation System and follow
the manual's instructions. Kenwood is not liable
for problems or accidents resulting from failure to
observe the instructions in this manual.
Lisez ce manuel avec attention avant d'actionner
le systeme de navigation Kenwood et suivez les
instructions du manuel. Kenwood decline toute
responsabilite des problemes ou des accidents
provoques par le non-respect des instructions de ce
Leggere con cura questo manuale prima di utilizzare
il navigatore Kenwood e seguire le relative istruzioni.
Kenwood non è responsabile per problemi o incidenti
provocati dal mancato rispetto delle istruzioni di
questo manuale.
Die Bedienungsanleitung enthält
wichtige Informationen und Hinweise,
die Sie bei Inbetriebnahme des Kenwood
CARNavigationssystems unbedingt beachten sollten.
Lassen sich Unfälle und Brandschäden im Fahrzeug
nicht ausschließen. Zudem erlischt jeglicher Garantie-
und Haftungsanspruch.
Lea el manual cuidadosamente antes de poner
en funcionamiento este Sistema de Navegación
Kenwood y siga las instrucciones del manual.
Kenwood no se hace responsable de los problemas o
accidentes derivados de no seguir las instrucciones de
este manual.
Leia com muita atenção este manual antes de começar
a utilizar o Sistema de Navegação Kenwood Car
e siga as instruções do manual. A Kenwood não é
responsável por problemas ou acidentes resultantes
da falta de cumprimento das instruções contidas neste
Lees deze handleiding aandachtig door alvorens
het Kenwood Navigatiesysteem te gebruiken en
volg de aanwijzingen in de handleiding. Kenwood
kan niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor
problemen of ongelukken die te wijten zijn aan
de niet inachtneming van de aanwijzingen in deze

KNA-G520 Instruction Manual
Software License Agreement.................iv
Find It and Go! ............................1
Finding a Restaurant ............................. 1
Following Your Route............................. 2
Where To? ...................................3
Finding an Address ............................... 3
Finding a Place Using the Map.............. 4
Understanding the Information Page ..... 5
Finding Recently Found Places ............ 5
Finding Places in a Different Area.......... 6
Narrowing Your Search.......................... 6
My Locations ..............................7
Saving Places You Find ......................... 7
Saving Your Current Location ................ 7
Setting a Home Location........................ 8
Finding Saved Places ............................ 8
Editing Saved Places............................. 9
Deleting a Saved Place........................ 10
The Map and Other Tools......... 11
Viewing the Map Page..........................11
Trip Computer ...................................... 12
Turn List ............................................... 12
GPS Info Page..................................... 13
Creating and Editing Routes ...14
Creating a New Saved Route .............. 14
Editing a Saved Route ......................... 15
Adding Stops to Your Route................. 16
Saving the Active Route....................... 17
Navigating a Saved Route ................... 17
Recalculating the Route....................... 17
Deleting All Saved Routes ................... 17
Stopping Your Route............................ 17
Adding a Detour to a Route ................. 17
Adding Avoidances .............................. 18
Using The Logs.........................19
Adjusting the Track Log ....................... 19
Using the Mileage Logs ....................... 19
Traffic Information....................20
Viewing Traffic Events.......................... 20
Avoiding Traffic .................................... 21
Changing the Traffic Settings............... 22
Adding a Traffic Subscription ............... 23
Changing the Settings .............24
Adjusting the Volume ........................... 24
Changing the General Settings............ 24
Changing the Map Settings.................. 27
Changing the Navigation Settings........ 29
Adjusting the Traffic Settings ............... 30
Viewing Unit Information (About) ......... 30
Restoring the Settings.......................... 30
Appendix ...................................31
Using the Remote Control.................... 31
Updating Software and Map Data........ 31
Clearing All User Data.......................... 31
Custom POIs (Points of Interest) ......... 32
Kenwood Warranty, UK & Ireland ........ 33

KNA-G520 Instruction Manual
This manual uses the term Warning to indicate a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Failure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations could
result in an accident or collision resulting in death or serious injury.
When navigating, carefully compare information displayed on the unit to
all available navigation sources, including information from street signs,
visual sightings, and maps. For safety, always resolve any discrepancies or
questions before continuing navigation.
Always operate the vehicle in a safe manner. Do not become distracted
by the unit while driving, and always be fully aware of all driving
conditions. Minimize the amount of time spent viewing the screen of the
unit while driving and use voice prompts when possible.
Do not enter destinations, change settings, or access any functions
requiring prolonged use of the unit's controls while driving. Pull over in
a safe and legal manner before attempting such operations.
Keep the system's volume at a low enough level to be able to hear
outside noises while driving. If you can no longer hear outside noises,
you may be unable to react adequately to the traffic situation. This may
cause accidents.
This navigation system can be used when the ignition key is turned to
ON or ACC. However, to preserve the battery, it should be used with
the engine running whenever possible. Using the navigation system for
a long time with the engine switched off can cause the battery to run
The navigation system will not display the correct current position of the
vehicle the first time it is used after purchase, or if the battery has been
removed for a long time. GPS satellite signals will soon be received,
however, and the correct position will be displayed.
Be careful of the surrounding temperature. Using the navigation system
at extremely high or low temperatures can lead to malfunction or
damage. Also note that the unit can be damaged by strong vibration or
metal objects or by water getting inside.

KNA-G520 Instruction Manual
Failure to avoid the following potentially hazardous situations may
result in injury or property damage.
The unit is designed to provide you with route suggestions. It does not
reflect road closures or road conditions, traffic congestion, weather
conditions, or other factors that may affect safety or timing while
Use the unit only as a navigational aid. Do not attempt to use the unit
for any purpose requiring precise measurement of direction, distance,
location, or topography.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the United
States government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and
maintenance. The government's system is subject to changes which
could affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment,
including the unit. Although the unit is a precision navigation device,
any navigation device can be misused or misinterpreted and, therefore,
become unsafe.
This manual uses the term Caution to indicate a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in minor injury or property damage. It
may also be used without the symbol to alert you to avoid unsafe practices.
Important Information
MAP DATA INFORMATION: One of the goals of Garmin is to provide customers with the most complete and accurate cartography that is available to
us at a reasonable cost. We use a combination of governmental and private data sources, which we identify in product literature and copyright messages
displayed to the consumer. Virtually all data sources contain inaccurate or incomplete data to some extent. In some countries, complete and accurate map
information is either not available or is prohibitively expensive.