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This manual has been issued by Canon Inc. for qualified persons to learn technical theory, and
repair of the products.
This manual could include typographical errors or technical inaccuracies due to improvements or
changes in the products. When changes occur in applicable products or in the content of this manual,
Canon will release service manual report as the need arises. In the event of major changes in the
contents of this manual over a long or short period, Canon may issue new editions of this manual.
The following paragraph does not apply to any countries where such provisions are inconsistent
with local law.
The product names and company names described in this manual are the registered trademarks of
the individual companies.
This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not
be copied, reproduced, published (including on the World Wide Web) or translated into another
language, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Canon Inc..
Copyright © 2001 by Canon Inc.
Digital Imaging Products Service Dept.
30-2, Shimomaruko 3-Chome, Ohta-ku,
Tokyo 146-8501, Japan

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The following precautions should be observed when servicing.
Since many parts in the unit have special safety-related characteristics, always use genuine CANON replacement parts.
Especially critical parts in the power circuit block should not be replaced with other makes.
Critical parts are marked with ! in the schematic diagrams.
When servicing, observe the original lead dress. If a short circuit is found, replace all parts which have been overheated or damaged
by the short circuit.
After servicing, see to it that all the protective devices such as insulation barriers, insulation papers shields are properly installed.
After servicing, make the following leakage current checks to prevent the customer from being exposed to shock hazards.
4-1 Leakage Current Cold Check
1) Unplug the AC cord and connect a jumper between the two prongs on the plug.
2) Measure the resistance value, with an ohmmeter, between the jumpered AC plug and each exposed metallic cabinet part
on the equipment such as screwheads, connectors, control shafts, etc. When the exposed metallic part has a return path to
the chassis, the reading should be between 1M
and 5.2M. When the exposed metal does not have a return path to the
chassis, the reading must be
4-2 Leakage Current Hot Check
1) Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet. Do not use an isolation transformer for this check.
2) Connect a 1.5K
10 watt resistor, paralleled by 0.15µF capacitor, between each exposed metallic parts on the unit and a
good earth ground such as a water pipe, as shown in the figure below.
3) Use an AC voltmeter, with 1000
/volt or more sensitivity, to measure the potential across the resistor.
4) Check all exposed metallic parts of the cover (Cable connection, Handle bracket, metallic cabinet.
Screwheads, Metallic overlays, etc), and measure the voltage at each point.
5) Reverse the AC plug in the AC outlet and repeat each of the above measurements.
6) The potential at any point should not exceed 0.75V RMS.
A leakage current tester (FLUKE MODEL : 8000A equivalent) may be used to make the hot checks.
Leakage current must not exceed 0.5 milliamp.
In case a measurement is outside of the limits specified, there is a possibility of a shock hazard, and corrective action must
be taken before returning the instrument to the customer.
Water pipe
(Earth Ground)
Test all
metal parts
Figure. 1 Leakage Current Hot Check

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The "IXY DIGITAL" Product designation used in this document refers to the DIGITAL IXUS, and PS 100
DIGITAL ELPH designations used in various marketing areas.
"IXY DIGITAL 300" refers to the IXY DIGITAL 300, and PS 300 DIGITAL ELPH designations used in
various marketing areas.
1. Development Concept
1-1 Development Objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1
1-2 Product Concept ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1
1-3 Design Concept -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3
2. Features
2-1 High Image Quality --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-4
2-2 Superior features and Operation Ease ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-8
2-3 Power-saving Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-13
2-4 Accessory and Software ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-15
3. Exterior
3-1 Product Photos --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-18
3-2 6-dimensional diagrams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-20
3-3 Nomenclature and Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-21
3-4 User Interface display -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-22
4. Specifications
4-1 Camera Specifications -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-26
4-2 System Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-32
4-3 Specification of Major Accessories --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-34
5. System
5-1 System Diagram ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-36
5-2 Accessory Compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-37

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1. Development Concept
1-1 Development Objectives
Canon has marketed the standard compact PowerShot A-series and S-series, the ultra-compact IXY series,
the full-featured PowerShot G-series, and the top-end PowerShot Pro-series. In recent years, our competitors
have concentrated on offering low-cost models to expand their market share as they target low-end user
Thus, it has become imperative for Canon to offer digital cameras aimed at first-time users and those who
just want have fun with low-cost and easy-to-use digital cameras.
The PowerShot A20 has a 1/2.7-inch, 2.11 megapixel CCD and a newly developed 3x optical zoom lens.
Despite its low price tag, it offers the image quality and features found in high-end models. Much
developmental attention was also given to the camera's design and economy. The camera exceeds the user's
expectations of features from such a low-cost model. It thereby targets low-end users. The PowerShot A10,
with a 1.31-megapixel CCD and almost the same features as the A20, will also be marketed at the same time
to target users seeking an even cheaper model.
1-2 Product Concept
"Basic & Good Value" is the PowerShot A20/A10's product concept. It is for first-time users, those seeking
fun with a digital camera, and users on a budget. It was designed to be easy to use for beginners while
offering a good value for the money.
To set it clearly apart from the competition, the camera was also developed to provide high image quality
and high-end features normally found in more expensive models. It also has a good number of accessories.
This is to attract hard-core users who may want it as a secnd camera.
The small and simple Card Photo Printer CP-10 will also be marketed at the same time. Instead of viewing
images only on a computer screen or TV monitor, you can easily make and view credit card-size prints of the
images. This "easy printing" system may start a new oulture of digital camera printing.
Basic & Good Value
First-time digital camera
Users seeking fun with a
digital camera
Budget users
As a second camera for
hard-core users
PowerShot A20/A10